What does HackerNews think of moe?
A command line based editor inspired by Vim. Written in Nim.
- first talk by Andreas will update us on Nim 2.0 which is planned within the year and where the most important part will be the switch to orc memory management (deterministic memory management with garbage collection only limited to collect cycles).
- Suhei will talk about moe, vim inspired command line editor, see https://github.com/fox0430/moe (last year he talked about nicoru, docker in nim!)
- Tanguy from status, main sponsor of nim (they are building a lightweight ethereum node in nim) will talk about libp2p (in nim AND other langs), which is relevant for crypto web 3 world
- Antonis recently release a very nice library for fuzzing (an automated bug finding technique), see https://github.com/status-im/nim-drchaos
- I will be presenting with Hugo on nimib, a "framework"/DSL way to turn nim code in html (sort of replaces jupyter for nim, can do more than that); in particular we made very easy with nimib to take advantage the capability of nim to compile to js.
- next Hugo will present on how he created a nimib slides theme (based on reveal.js, at least 4 of the presentation seem to be based on nimislides)
- Can has created a very interesting an experimental deep learning framework for Nim based on a differentiable array programming language (and he has been doing great work on other stuff too, like owlkettle): https://github.com/can-lehmann/exprgrad
- Ryan will talk more about his incredible and frugal Entity Component System https://github.com/rlipsc/polymorph He did present on this topic in February but it seems it has progressed much and we might be seeing some very cool demonstration (that's speculation from thumbnail...)
- Juan has been working of having Nim work with Unreal Engine "the world's most open and advanced real-time 3D creation tool for photoreal visuals and immersive experiences". he has been working with Andreas to have Incremental Compilation (next big thing coming in the core language) so it looks pretty exciting
- I know very little about the work of Chris on Nim-SOS and Nim-htpx (see https://github.com/ct-clmsn/nim-sos ) but it looks to be impressing work in the area of scientific computing
- finally Andre/treeform is consistently producing great libraries and talks on Nim and I would not miss that talk for the world.
all videos are pre recorder but authors will be around in the chat to interact.
further discussion might appear here: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/9539
http://kakoune.org/ (very interesting concept about "turning the modal editing of vim around)
and https://github.com/fox0430/moe (written in nim)
The only issue I have with it is that it doesn't handle text navigation with the Ctrl + arrow key combinations that let you jump to the start and end of words.
There's a small revival of modernized text-based apps now that Go and Rust gained adoption. I've even come across an editor written in Nim, called moe[2].
Are there other editors out there that are worth trying out?