What does HackerNews think of postgres-ha?

Postgres + Stolon for HA clusters as Fly apps.

Language: Go

Fly Postgres is just a Fly.io app. You can see the source code for it right here:


It has some direct `flyctl` integration (which is also open source), but it's not doing anything you can't do yourself if you want.

We do not! You have full administrative access to your postgres. You can create offsite replicas, or even fork the Postgres app we use and deploy over your Fly.io installed postgres: https://github.com/fly-apps/postgres-ha

RDS preventing external streaming replicas is the most annoying thing ever.

(Random person, don't actually know)

Check this out:

> Fly Postgres clusters are just regular Fly applications. If you need to customize Postgres in any way, you may fork this repo and deploy using normal Fly deployment procedures. You won't be able to use fly postgres commands with custom clusters. But it's a great way to experiment and potentially contribute back useful features!


Our Postgres is not an RDS replacement. Lots of devs use RDS with Fly. In fact, Postgres on Fly is just a normal Fly app that you can run yourself: https://github.com/fly-apps/postgres-ha

Ultimately, we think devs are better off if managed database services come from companies who specialize in those DBs. First party managed DBs trend towards mediocre, all the interesting Postgres features come from Heroku/Crunchy/Timescale/Supabase.

So we're "saving" managed Postgres for one of those folks. For the most part, they're more interested in giving AWS money because very large potential customers do. At some point, though, we'll be big enough to be attractive to DB companies.

Our postgres clusters are just a Fly app: https://github.com/fly-apps/postgres-ha

You could run your own PG by modifying that app. Right now we're calling it "automated" and not managed, though. All alerts about health and other issues go straight to customers, we don't have DBAs that will touch these things yet.