What does HackerNews think of tippecanoe?

Build vector tilesets from large collections of GeoJSON features.

Language: C++

Maplibre[1] + PMTiles + Felt's "tippecanoe"[2] (it can output .pmtiles) are an awesome combination for self-hosted web maps if you're ok with being locked into a Web Mercator projection

for pretty much any geospatial source you can convert to .pmtiles via GDAL[3] and tippecanoe (.shp .gpkg ...) | ogr2ogr -> .geojson | tippecanoe -> .pmtiles

for OpenStreetMap data there's planetiler[4], and and openmaptiles[5] styles that work with Maplibre

with those combinations you've got a great start to something you can host for pennies on AWS S3+CloudFront or Cloudflare R2, with an open source data pipeline

[1] https://maplibre.org/

[2] https://github.com/felt/tippecanoe

[3] https://gdal.org/

[4] https://github.com/onthegomap/planetiler

[5] https://openmaptiles.org/styles/

ps I find GDAL/ogr2ogr documentation pretty hard to parse, as an example to get you started

  ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON counties.json -t_srs EPSG:4326 -nln counties -sql "SELECT STATEFP, COUNTYFP, NAME FROM tl_2022_us_county" /vsizip/tl_2022_us_county.zip

Hm. Not totally sure why someone would pay for this - there are lots of readily-available open-source tools that can do this easily. GDAL/OGR[0] and Tippecanoe [1] come to mind. Maybe I'm missing a less-technical audience?

0: https://gdal.org/ 1: https://github.com/felt/tippecanoe

In the tools space, cf. open source GeoJSON-to-vector tile tool Tippecanoe, which recently got a new non-Mapbox home at Felt: https://felt.com/blog/erica-fischer-tippecanoe-at-felt, https://github.com/felt/tippecanoe
I'm the author of a few of the tools mentioned in this post!

A convenient new development is instead of using tippecanoe -> go-pmtiles to create PMTiles archives, you can now output .pmtiles directly:

tippecanoe -o bks2.pmtiles mainroad.geojson ...

This is available in Tippecanoe (https://github.com/felt/tippecanoe) v2.17 and later.

Thanks to Felt (https://felt.com) for supporting this open source work.

Take a look at Tippecanoe, which is under active development again[0]. The original developer, Erica Fischer (who is wonderful to work with), has a fork[1] where new work is happening.

[0] https://felt.com/blog/erica-fischer-tippecanoe-at-felt

[1] https://github.com/felt/tippecanoe