What does HackerNews think of reshape?

An easy-to-use, zero-downtime schema migration tool for Postgres

Language: Rust

#41 in PostgreSQL
Congrats to the lovely Xata team on another great launch! I'm the creator of Reshape [0], a similar tool which inspired pgroll, and seeing the concept taken even further is really exciting.

[0] https://github.com/fabianlindfors/reshape

This is precisely what I did for my automated zero-downtime migration tool and it works pretty well: https://github.com/fabianlindfors/reshape. At least for Postgres, simple views like these have almost no overhead as queries are simply rewritten for the underlying table.
Anybody interested in this subject might also be interested in a tool for Postgres I’ve been working on, Reshape: https://github.com/fabianlindfors/reshape. It aims to fully automate away all the pain and manual steps zero-downtime migrations normally requires :)
This post is absolutely terrific and has been been my main reference for Reshape, an automated, zero-downtime schema migration tool: https://github.com/fabianlindfors/reshape
You might also be interested in Reshape, a tool I’ve been working on to automate zero-downtime deployments with Postgres: https://github.com/fabianlindfors/reshape
I thought the established wisdom is to make schema migration compatible with both the old app and the new app, whenever it is possible? E.g. you can safely add a nullable column, and it shouldn't trip up the old app nor the new app, unless you are using some crappy ORM that does "SELECT *", or you are on an older MySQL version that may take hours/days/weeks to rewrite the whole table just to add a nullable column.

https://github.com/fabianlindfors/reshape, on HN front page a couple weeks ago, has some nice tricks to help with the incompatible cases.

Great article! For anybody interested in this topic, I've been working on a schema migration tool which automates zero-downtime migrations using many of the techniques mentioned: https://github.com/fabianlindfors/reshape. It also uses some other incredible Postgres features, like updatable views and schemas.

It was discussed here on HN about a week back: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29825520