What does HackerNews think of anon?

tweet about anonymous Wikipedia edits from particular IP address ranges

Language: JavaScript

#5 in Twitter
There was fun time when Ed Summers made a tool to monitor Wikipedia edits from some IPs pool realtime, and it turned into worldwide effort with Twitter bots monitoring many governments and big corporations, highlighting a lot of cringe edits and poor attempts to remove some info from Wikipedia. Many bots are still active, you can find source code and list of bots here https://github.com/edsu/anon

Also there is analysis of old edits (2002-2014) using IP ranges collected for bots https://jarib.github.io/anon-history/, source code: https://github.com/jarib/anon-history

Yep. I agree - it's pretty easy to slip up and public IPs are fairly easy to monitor.

It reminds me of this project https://github.com/edsu/anon which "lets you tweet about anonymous Wikipedia edits from particular IP address ranges"

You can see it working at Congress Edits - https://twitter.com/congressedits

If you can identify the IP ranges you can configure anon https://github.com/edsu/anon to listen for edits from them, and announce them using a particular Twitter account.

Honestly, I just put anon together in a few hours, and didn't put a great deal of thought into it. It might make sense to do what you suggest, and create a more generic webapp to deploy on Wikimedia labs, which manages the IP ranges, and Twitter accounts to post to.

There is!


Nothing tweeted yet except mention of the US Congress one, corresponding accounts also for Canada and Sweden and a mention of IFTTT and code at https://github.com/edsu/anon