What does HackerNews think of anon?
tweet about anonymous Wikipedia edits from particular IP address ranges
Also there is analysis of old edits (2002-2014) using IP ranges collected for bots https://jarib.github.io/anon-history/, source code: https://github.com/jarib/anon-history
It reminds me of this project https://github.com/edsu/anon which "lets you tweet about anonymous Wikipedia edits from particular IP address ranges"
You can see it working at Congress Edits - https://twitter.com/congressedits
- Denmark (https://twitter.com/FTingetWikiEdit)
- Sweden (https://twitter.com/RiksdagWikiEdit)
- United States (https://twitter.com/congressedits)
- Chile (https://twitter.com/CongresoEdita)
- United Kingdom (https://twitter.com/parliamentedits)
- France (https://twitter.com/wikiAssemblee)
- Canada (https://twitter.com/gccaedits)
Local government:
- North Carolina (https://twitter.com/NCGAedits)
(To those wondering, no interesting edits so far.)
Honestly, I just put anon together in a few hours, and didn't put a great deal of thought into it. It might make sense to do what you suggest, and create a more generic webapp to deploy on Wikimedia labs, which manages the IP ranges, and Twitter accounts to post to.
Have fun :)
Nothing tweeted yet except mention of the US Congress one, corresponding accounts also for Canada and Sweden and a mention of IFTTT and code at https://github.com/edsu/anon