However, the list is not public domain - the license says "This work, "free-programming-books", is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License." Contact the list owner and see what they say about your intended use.
Trying to recruit them to #TeamPublicDomain
I would suggest to add them to as well.
You will drive an incredible amount of traffic to your website this way.
Edit: Bonus points if you know how to Google properly (don’t say the PC is not working, say bootloop issue Windows 10 October update), know that the community can be jerks, now how to navigate PowerShell/UNIX terminal (UNiX > PowerShell though powershell is decent), and here’s a bunch of free coding books.
I work with a bunch of native arabic speakers when I have a job, but I'm currently in the hospital a hundred miles away from there right now. So it just looks like spam I can't read and can't get translated.
In the meantime, I would like to recommend the list:
as a real instance of whatever this post is supposed to be.