What does HackerNews think of ControlPlane?
ControlPlane - context-sensitive computing for OS X
I'm using BetterTouchTool to quickly open my most-used applications (browser, IDE, Postman, LogSeq...). I've been using ControlPlane (https://github.com/dustinrue/ControlPlane) for some time to switch my default browser, but I've now perfected my setup using Raycast, Finicky and BetterTouchTool.
I'm sharing a basic Raycast extension written that allows you to quickly switch your default browser and application shortcuts via BetterTouchTool and Finicky.
The shared code is not intended to be used as it, rather to be cloned and customized to fit your own needs and your own config.
I'm always eager to learn ways of improving my efficiency on my Mac, so please share what you've setup on your end
ControlPlane https://github.com/dustinrue/ControlPlane
> With ControlPlane you can intelligently reconfigure your Mac or perform any number of actions based on input from a wide variety of evidence sources […]