What does HackerNews think of simple-tab-groups?

Create, modify and quick change tab groups. Inspired by the Tab Groups app :)

Language: HTML

Are there reasons that the "Simple Tab Groups" extension isn't suitable for you? It seems to be well-maintained, cleverly uses Firefox's "hide tabs" API to keep a single window behind-the-scenes, and has integration with lots of other features like Firefox's containers. I think it's an indirect descendent of the old Tab Groups extension when it was spun out of Firefox.


I had a quick look (because actually, having tabs load for a specific project would be quite helpful) and it looks like that might offer some of what you want?



I've been using the Simple Tab Groups extension [1] in Firefox for some time, and to my taste it's the best option out there.

[1] https://github.com/drive4ik/simple-tab-groups