What does HackerNews think of lmt?

literate markdown tangle

Language: Go

One more tool to accomplish this is lmt [0] which, despite minimal documentation, is quite pleasing to use.

[0] https://github.com/driusan/lmt

I personally use literate programming to maintain my "dotfiles", mainly NixOS [1], and I _love_ it. I like to describe all possible alternative tools, why I don't use them, possible tools that look nice, random ideas and blog posts that describe parts of my config, add TODOs and screenshots, ... in short everything that is really ugly to do inside source code comments. Also I gain structure; adding headings to a 3000 LOC config is very nice.

For tangling I use lmt [2], as it works with Markdown and also play nice with Emanote [3] (full syntax highlighting inside the code blocks.). That means all my "dotfiles" are inside my Zettelkasten [4] and can be navigated like any other note I have.

[1]: https://nixos.org/

[2]: https://github.com/driusan/lmt

[3]: https://github.com/srid/emanote

[4]: https://zettelkasten.de/

I switched to NixOS half a year ago. The reason? I fell in love with literate programming (I use [1]); being able to write (and read) your whole OS configuration is the dream!

There are few bad sides to NixOS though.

The community consists mostly of programmers, which means I am missing some creative tools (mockups, mindmaps, ..). In the future I will be able to provide/build them myself, but it is not a smooth transition from my previous arch setup.

Also the whole documentation sucks: There are three (!) official manuals + the home-manager manual + Nix pills + YT + random blogs where I have to piece everything together.

Still I find NixOS superior to every other OS (windows, linux) I have tried so far. I just feel free and am not afraid to fuck up anything [2], as I can just go to a previous generation when it doesn't boot.

Lastly, I can save my whole config in git and am free to try new tools -- If I don't like them, I just remove their line in my config. No more chasing after random install folders! (Except in home..)

[1]: https://github.com/driusan/lmt [2]: All the "hacker" stuff: kernel modules, network hardening, ...

I think I gonna try https://github.com/driusan/lmt

I like that it is markdown and that it has a many-to-many mapping of input to output files.