What does HackerNews think of llilc?

This repo contains LLILC, an LLVM based compiler for .NET Core. It includes a set of cross-platform .NET code generation tools that enables compilation of MSIL byte code to LLVM supported platforms.

Language: C++

oops here's some typo:

1. Well technically speaking, you need a unified heap space. Just like in Linux kernel you have vmalloc and kmalloc which does virtual memory and real, page-aligned physical memory. So this is technically means I will have to pre-allocate everything. But it is not gonna work, how do you save space?

2. "necessary". I should have enabled autocorrect on my phone, it does more good than harm this time if I had it on.

3. It's actually LLILC (https://github.com/dotnet/llilc). I just remembered how to pronounce it. But if the name is wrong, then you have to correct it.

Edit : I misread this article. Neiter of the projects i mentioned target webassembly. But CoreRT could one day.

Microsoft has two similar projects:

CoreRT : Which is a managed re-implementation of the CLR allowing for AoT compilation.

LLILC : A LLVM Backend for .NET MSIL. (Stalled)



How does removing .NET change anything ? You still need a runtime (GC, reflection/type information for casting, etc.)

You could probably strip down .NET core runtime if size is your concern and have an AoT compiled binary that links to that if you're concerned about JIT. I think there was a MS project a while back that compiled .NET IL to static code trough LLVM (https://github.com/dotnet/llilc - it seems dead now unfortunately)

But C# without .NET doesn't really make sense.

See this is exactly what I'm talking about !

I can't blame you for not being up to date with developments on .NET platform or in the Microsoft world - but please o please refrain from making comments about the issue you are not informed about and obviously haven't looked in to for the last couple of years.

Microsoft has their own cross platform open source .NET implementation under MIT license supported officially on Linux and OSX. https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr

Not only that but they are opensourcing and porting huge parts of their stack like build system, web framework, etc. and are supporting it officially on Azure cloud. https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc

They are doing pure OSS from scratch projects such as LLILC - a static compiler for CoreCLR based on LLVM : https://github.com/dotnet/llilc

Further more even before that Microsoft has started opensourcing large parts of their implementation at the request from Mono team and Mono has taken those + CoreCLR and made their implementation better - showing that they actually wanted to help Mono team implement feature parity.

And finally Microsoft recently acquired the Mono team (Xamarin) and will probably fold that in to their OSS offerings.

So please stop the FUD - it's not helping anything - I realize you have an opinion but before voicing it please check if it matches the facts - otherwise you're just creating noise in the discussion.

I've not used JSIL myself, but the performance of the demos seems fairly decent. Do you have any bigger .NET projects of your own you could try out?

If you're looking for asm.js/wasm support in particular, you may be interested in LLILC, which appears to be a .NET Core to LLVM IR compiler, meaning you could make use of Emscripten to convert the code to asm.js:


One feature I'd really like to see would be the option of deploying a single binary (even if it's not a native binary; that would be really great, and I know the LILC effort is working toward something like that[1]). I know you can sort of accomplish this[2][3], but it would make me really happy if there were first class support for it.

[1]: https://github.com/dotnet/llilc/ [2]: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/mbarnett/ILMerge.... [3]: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/microsoft_press/archive/2010/02/03/j...

Well they are experimenting with LLVM, as a backend for CIL.. So maybe this is a sign that they will not open source their VC++ backend and instead go with this LLILC [1] project for the AOT compilation target?

1 - https://github.com/dotnet/llilc

There are LLILC project. LLILC is an LLVM based MSIL Compiler. https://github.com/dotnet/llilc . May be it helps in the future be .Net community and Rust(llvm) community collaborate close.
Check also https://github.com/dotnet/llilc compilation of MSIL byte code to LLVM supported platforms.