What does HackerNews think of nimkernel?

A small kernel written in Nim

Language: Nim

#7 in Nim
Niceness is subjective, but Nim is just as valid an addition to that group. Nim compiles to C and has had an --os=standalone mode for like 10 years from its git history, and as mentioned else-thread (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36506087) can be used for Linux kernel modules. Multiple people have written "stub OSes" in it (https://github.com/dom96/nimkernel & further along https://github.com/khaledh/axiom).

While it can use clang as a backend, Nim does not rely upon LLVM support like Zig or Rust (pre-gcc-rust working). Use on embedded devices is fairly popular: https://forum.nim-lang.org/search?q=embedded (or web search).

Latency-wise, for a time, video game programming was a perceived "adoption niche" or maybe "hook" for Nim and games often have stringent frame rendering deadlines. If you are interested in video games, you might appreciate https://github.com/shish/rosettaboy which covers all but Ada in your list with Nim being fastest (on one CPU/version/compiler/etc). Note, however, that cross-PL comparisons are often done by those with much "porting energy" but limited familiarity with any but a few of the PLs. A better way to view it is that "Nim responds well to optimization effort" (like C/Ada/C++/Rust/Zig).

You can certainly use Nim for kernels. I've created a proof of concept long ago, and things are only improving with ARC fast becoming a great alternative to Nim's GC.


Nim is optionally garbage collected. Most of the standard library opts to use the garbage collector, true, but here's an example of a beginning of a tiny OS kernel in nim[0], that does not.

I do not know enough of Zig to compare the complexity, and Nim is indeed not simple. To borrow from the zen of Python, it is complex but not complicated; and most of its complexity is of a kind you can almost entirely ignore until you need it, and when you need it, you're in trouble if your programming language doesn't provide it. e.g. operational transforms, macros, compile time execution. pragmas.

[0] https://github.com/dom96/nimkernel

I wrote a little OS dev 'starter' for Nimrod which might interest you: https://github.com/dom96/nimkernel