What does HackerNews think of feedgnuplot?

Tool to plot realtime and stored data from the commandline, using gnuplot.

Language: Perl

Oh hey Dima.

Feedgnuplot is really slick.


It's in the debian repos too.

My friend wrote a gnuplot wrapper that is a bit cleaner to use called 'feedgnuplot'


It's in the debian repos so you can pull it if you're in a debian derivative too, like Ubuntu.

You want feedgnuplot: https://github.com/dkogan/feedgnuplot/

It gives you all the power of gnuplot. So you can make simple plots in the console, or fancy graphical ones, or output to files on disk or whatever.

Is there a declarative language or framework for creating ad-hoc GUIs that consume structured data from stdin stream and spit-out a GUI?

Like feedgnuplot [1] but not only restricted to graphs.

[1] https://github.com/dkogan/feedgnuplot

https://github.com/dkogan/gnuplotlib/ (for python) and https://github.com/dkogan/feedgnuplot/ (commandline interface) both have a "dumb" terminal that does this.