What does HackerNews think of ihp?

🔥 The fastest way to build type safe web apps. IHP is a new batteries-included web framework optimized for longterm productivity and programmer happiness

Language: Haskell

#19 in Framework
#201 in Hacktoberfest
#9 in Haskell
#10 in HTML
#50 in PostgreSQL
In case this got you interested in Haskell, and you want a good way to start your Haskell journey (and have something to apply the optimization handbook to), check out IHP. It's the Rails/Laravel of the Haskell world. Here's a demo video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbDtS_mUMpI You can start here https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/Guide/index.html or check it out on GitHub here https://github.com/digitallyinduced/ihp
Really happy we've finally got to the 1.0 status :) If you like to take a look at the code, check our GitHub at https://github.com/digitallyinduced/ihp
Thanks to reintroduction of deep subsumption we could finally update IHP to the GHC 9 series. So really happy about the recent GHC releases :)

If you're curious about Haskell, IHP is a good starting point (https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/ https://github.com/digitallyinduced/ihp). IHP is Haskell's version of Laravel/Rails/Django. It's really a superpower to have Haskell's type system combined with the rapid development approach of Rails :) (Disclaimer: I'm founder of the company that makes IHP)

If you want to do web development with Haskell beyond building a blog generator, a good starting point is IHP (https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/ https://github.com/digitallyinduced/ihp). IHP is Haskell's version of Laravel/Rails/Django. It's really a superpower to have Haskell's type system combined with the rapid development approach of Rails :) (Disclaimer: I'm founder of the company that makes IHP)
Haskell is famous for it's quite an academic nature. But the ecosystem has drastically improved in recent years, so that that image is really outdated by now.

E.g. with Haskell Language Server we have nice autocompletion. Recently dot-notation has been added, so you can now write `someValue.someField` as in other languages. And the documentation is improving as well.

If you're doing web development, a good starting point is IHP (https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/ https://github.com/digitallyinduced/ihp). IHP is Haskell's version of Laravel/Rails/Django. It's really a superpower to have Haskell's type system combined with the rapid development approach of Rails :) (Disclaimer: I'm founder of the company that makes IHP)

If this post got you interested in learning more about Haskell and you want to see type classes in some real code, a great starting point for Haskell is IHP :)

IHP is a new Haskell framework with a focus on actual building applications. Imagine the productiveness of rails combined with the typesafety of Haskell.

It's now already the biggest Haskell web framework, we just hit 3200 GitHub stars. I belive Haskell can reach a lot more than it's currently doing if we get things easy to use.

If you want to build a web app with Haskell and play with type classes check it out: https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/ GitHub: https://github.com/digitallyinduced/ihp

The main repository description [1] mentions:

> The fastest way to build type safe web apps. IHP is a new batteries-included web framework optimized for longterm productivity and programmer happiness

Hence even without that line you could've figured that out with one click. Don't have to spam every release about what the program does, as long as the main repository description (including README.md) does.

[1] https://github.com/digitallyinduced/ihp

> programming languages are meant to ease the task of creating computer programs as opposed to writing assembly by hand

This! The haskell ecosystem is missing a certain kind of pragmatism. There's a lot of beautiful type abstractions, talking about monads, etc., but not enough builders doing actual application development. In my opinion it's not the language that is bad, but the ecosystem. Missing documentation, missing tooling and infrastructure, no focus on actually building applications.

We're trying to fix that with IHP, a new haskell framework with a focus on actual building applications. Imagine the productiveness of rails combined with the typesafety of haskell.

6 months after it's release it's already the second biggest haskell framework, and we just had a new record of weekly active users last week. To me this shows that by fixing the ecosystem haskell can reach a lot more than it's currently doing.

Check it out: https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/ GitHub: https://github.com/digitallyinduced/ihp

Link to the project on github: https://github.com/digitallyinduced/ihp

I have been using this for a small real-world project the last couple of weeks and am impressed.