What does HackerNews think of extempore?

A cyber-physical programming environment

Language: C++

I grew up in the 70s with the term cybernetics from Norber Wiener, and I liked it before Gibson's Neuromancer in the 80s, so I guess I was inoculated before the pandemic use of the word. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is a term being bandied about a bit now (reading Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems, and it is pretty cool [1]; Andrew Sorensen's Extempore as a CPS environment [2]). I also attended the first HOPE in 1994 in NYC and although the press abused the term cyber, it's still cool to me! But the Papa John's stuff was funny.

[1] https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-63588-0

[2] https://github.com/digego/extempore

I'm really fond of the idea of writing music like this.

From all available implementations of the idea, I probably like Extempore (https://github.com/digego/extempore) the most. Extempore provides a low-level C-like language (xtlang) which compiles into LLVM and can be meta-programmed from a variant of Scheme (TinyScheme I believe). This arrangement makes it possible to generate the code for the audio graph from Scheme, compile/optimize it via LLVM, then drive it in a live-coding fashion from Emacs. Best of both worlds (high and low).

My personal, much simpler attempt in this space is Cowbells (https://github.com/omkamra/cowbells) - with this one you can live-code FluidSynth (MIDI soundfonts) from Clojure + CIDER + Emacs, representing musical phrases either via Clojure data structures or an alternative text-based syntax (which is translated into the former by a compiler).

Or not, since if something fails you have to ship it to TE and pay them IIRC $125 to look at it. I bought and own an OP-1, that still works great, however, the sequence you execute on boot up to get numbered list of options, such as update firmware, or factory reset cannot be reached. So now I am stuck with the last time I upgraded the firmware, and I can't get it back to the original state, so I can mess around with it again. I don't know, but to spend $800 on a synth, and have to ship it to Sweden, and pay that large a fee to simply look at it is a bit much. I then tried to simply buy a new board, so I could pop it in and be done, but they were sold out! I am sticking with Orca [1] and Extempore [2] for now.

[1] https://github.com/hundredrabbits/Orca [2] https://github.com/digego/extempore

Common Lisp also uses car. But looking at source of https://github.com/digego/extempore , yeah, Scheme.
Andrew Sorensen is the creator of Extempore: https://github.com/digego/extempore

His PhD thesis about it (2018) is worth reading for anyone interested in live programming of any sort, music or otherwise: https://openresearch-repository.anu.edu.au/handle/1885/14460...

There is also Extempore[0] and Overtone[1] in case anyone is interested. My favorite live-coded symphony is this[2] one.

[0]: https://github.com/digego/extempore

[1]: http://overtone.github.io

[2]: https://vimeo.com/2579694

Have a look at extempore, a lispy live music/notation language and environment. Only emacs bindings, no vim, but impressive preformance nevertheless...

[0]: http://extempore.moso.com.au/

[1]: https://github.com/digego/extempore

Keep in mind there are actually two domains in music: instruments (sound synthesis) and orchestration. Both Skoar and Alda (which was linked yesterday) are only orchestration languages.

I've been researching about this and narrowed down by these criteria: (1) Modern and maintained (2) Open source (3) Multiplatform (4) Supports live coding (5) Not MIDI-only output (6) Text-based (7) Not Java (sorry JSyn :P)

For me live coding is important since I prefer to compose music in an exploratory fashion. Also, live performances are cool. Read more about live coding and resources in http://toplap.org

The list in no particular order (beware of the brain dump):


## Overtone (https://overtone.github.io/)

The coolest kid on the block is actually a frontend to SuperCollider.

- Clojure based.

- VJ-ready. Integration with Processing via Quil (https://github.com/quil/quil) and GLSL shaders via Shadertone (https://github.com/overtone/shadertone).

- Lots of tooling: https://github.com/overtone


## SuperCollider (https://supercollider.github.io/)

- Object-oriented functional language (similar to Smalltalk/Ruby/C/JS).

- Basically Overtone minus Clojure minus VJ plus IDE.

- Client-server architecture (which is what allows Overtone to use it as a backend).


## Sonic Pi (http://sonic-pi.net/)

- Ruby DSL + IDE.

- Built for Raspberry PI (but runs anywhere SuperCollider and Ruby are available).

- Another frontend to SuperCollider.

- Designed to be suitable for teaching children. Teacher resources available (http://www.sonicpiliveandcoding.com/ http://www.raspberrypi.org/learning/sonic-pi-lessons/)


## Extempore (https://github.com/digego/extempore)

- Scheme-like.

- Supports both audio and graphics.

- Defines itself as a 'cyberphysical' programming environment (http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1869526).


## ChucK (http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/)

- Real-time sound synthesis and music creation (real-time meant it used to take a real amount of CPU time in non-RT kernels, not sure if it's changed).

- Time-based, concurrent programming model (they call it 'strongly-timed').


## Fluxus (http://www.pawfal.org/fluxus/)

- Racket based.

- Full-fledged environment.

- Defined as 'a 3D game engine for livecoding worlds into existence', though it supports sound too.

- Doesn't seem to be actively maintained (most recent release dates from April 2012).


## Nyquist (https://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/music/web/musi...)

- (Still researching...)


## Csound (http://www.csounds.com/)

- (Still researching...)

- Live coding added in a recent version.

- Orchestration and synthesis are separate languages.


## Tidal (http://yaxu.org/tidal/)

- Haskell based.

- Seems to support audio and graphics (defines itself as live coding of patterns).

- (Still researching... I just came to know it in a link here.)


## Skoar (https://github.com/sofakid/Skoarcery)

- Another SuperCollider frontend.

- Only orchestration, though I guess it supports different instruments created in SuperCollider.

- Doesn't seem to support live coding? (Added to the list until I research more.)



I just found these in the TOPLAP wiki (and Googling around) but had no time to comb through them. Listed in no particular order:

- https://github.com/edne/pineal

- https://github.com/createuniverses/praxis

- http://charlie-roberts.com/gibber/about-gibber/

- https://github.com/LuaAV/LuaAV

- http://hyperyarn.criticalartware.net

- http://www.renickbell.net/conductive/doku.php/

- EXTRA: Live coding light shows https://github.com/brunchboy/afterglow

There have been two posts about it long time ago but they went completely unnoticed:



I personally am very impressed about it. The github address is:




And according to Google Groups it seems to be active:


If you like Impromptu, take a look at Extempore by the same author. Unlike Impromptu, Extempore is open source, and runs on Linux and Windows too.


The author of Impromptu is now working on Extempore, which unlike Impromptu, is opensource, and runs on other operating systems other than OS X.
