What does HackerNews think of determined?

Determined is an open-source machine learning platform that simplifies distributed training, hyperparameter tuning, experiment tracking, and resource management. Works with PyTorch and TensorFlow.

Language: Go

#33 in Deep learning
#39 in Kubernetes
#15 in Tensorflow
Check out Determined (https://github.com/determined-ai/determined). It supports deploying onto k8s and handles running horovod (and soon other dtrain backends), with most of the complexity abstracted behind a few configuration values. Also, it gives you stuff like experiment tracking / hp search (asha) /scheduling / profiling and etc.

Disclaimer: I work for Determined.

Check out Determined https://github.com/determined-ai/determined to help manage this kind of work at scale: Determined leverages Horovod under the hood, automatically manages cloud resources and can get you up on spot instances, T4's, etc. and will work on your local cluster as well. Gives you additional features like experiment management, scheduling, profiling, model registry, advanced hyperparameter tuning, etc.

Full disclosure: I'm a founder of the project.

Ah I see - I think we're pretty much on the same page in terms of timetables. Although if you include TPU, I think it's fair to say that custom accelerators are already a moderate success.

Updated my profile. I've been working on DL training platforms and distributed training benchmarking for a bit so I've gotten a nice view into the GPU/TPU battle.

Shameless plug: you should check out the open-source training platform we are building, Determined[1]. One of the goals is to take our hard-earned expertise on training infrastructure and build a tool where people don't need to have that infrastructure expertise. We don't support TPUs, partially because a lack of demand/TPU availability, and partially because our PyTorch TPU experiments were so unimpressive.

[1] GH: https://github.com/determined-ai/determined, Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/determined-community/shared_invite/...