What does HackerNews think of web-archives?

Browser extension for viewing archived and cached versions of web pages, available for Chrome, Edge and Safari

Language: JavaScript

#3 in Google
this extension [1] can retrieve cache from various sources, including google.

1 https://github.com/dessant/web-archives

For those dearly departed websites, a fine extension exists to easily pass a 404 URL to archive.org, painlessly loading the backed up site in 2 clicks of a mouse... Available for Chrome Edge Firefox and Safari https://github.com/dessant/web-archives
Internet archive is possible with regular bookmarks too, using extensions like web-archives, allowing you access the archived version in a click.


The Web Archives browser extension is great for this. It allows you to pull up archived versions of whatever website you're on, from a variety of archive sources. My go-to lately has been using the www.archive.is option when I use the extension.




I got these through the browser extension https://github.com/dessant/web-archives

or just going to the sites and searching.

HN is actually how I found out about archive.is/fo/today

These are not that well known, but I highly recommend them (Firefox):

* Bypass Paywalls Clean - the name says it all - https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clea...

* Web Archives - easy access to cached websites, also useful for paywalls and sites heavy in JS - https://github.com/dessant/web-archives

* Vimium - use keyboard for browsing - https://github.com/philc/vimium

* SponsorBlock for YouTube - skip in-video ads - https://sponsor.ajay.app/

* Old Reddit Redirect - use old reddit design - https://github.com/tom-james-watson/old-reddit-redirect

* Reddit Enhancement Suite - https://redditenhancementsuite.com/

There's a fantastic extension for Firefox, Chrome, etc. called Web Archives which will attempt to find a copy of the missing page from the Wayback Machine, Google Cache, Archive.is and many more.


The page is "temporarily unavailable" for me.

To help in your fight against paywalled and temporarilty unavailable pages, here's this (officially recommended) Firefox extension that looks up the current page in one of 18 web archives:
