What does HackerNews think of web-archives?
Browser extension for viewing archived and cached versions of web pages, available for Chrome, Edge and Safari
I'm using it on my phone. It gave me this https://archive.ph/20231026233758/https://theeyewall.com/try... with a few taps.
I got these through the browser extension https://github.com/dessant/web-archives
or just going to the sites and searching.
HN is actually how I found out about archive.is/fo/today
* Bypass Paywalls Clean - the name says it all - https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clea...
* Web Archives - easy access to cached websites, also useful for paywalls and sites heavy in JS - https://github.com/dessant/web-archives
* Vimium - use keyboard for browsing - https://github.com/philc/vimium
* SponsorBlock for YouTube - skip in-video ads - https://sponsor.ajay.app/
* Old Reddit Redirect - use old reddit design - https://github.com/tom-james-watson/old-reddit-redirect
* Reddit Enhancement Suite - https://redditenhancementsuite.com/
teaching a man to fish:
To help in your fight against paywalled and temporarilty unavailable pages, here's this (officially recommended) Firefox extension that looks up the current page in one of 18 web archives: