What does HackerNews think of sqawk?

Like Awk but with SQL and table joins

Language: Tcl

#13 in JSON
#25 in SQL
"Sqawk is an Awk-like program that uses SQL and can combine data from multiple files. It is powered by SQLite."


There're lots of tools in this space that are similar in a very general way, but have widely different design choices. My tookit is


It's tsv-utils-like, but is strictly a wrapper around existing tools. So filtering and transformations are interpreted literally as awk (or perl) expressions. And the various cmdline options match the standard tool options because they ARE the standard tools. So you get a very friendly learning curve, but something like tsv-utils is probably faster and probably more powerful. And it looks like tsv-utils references fields by number instead of by name. Many of the others (mine included) use the field names, which makes a MAJOR usability improvement.

Other tools in no particular order:











"Sqawk is an Awk-like program that uses SQL and can combine data from multiple files. It is powered by SQLite."


Sqawk is an Awk-like program that uses SQL and can combine data from multiple files. It is powered by SQLite.


Shameless plug: Sqawk can do nearly the same without you defining a schema.

  $ ps aux | sqawk -output table \
                   'select user, round(sum("%mem"), 2) as memtotal
                    from a
                    group by user
                    order by memtotal desc' \
  │dbohdan │67.1│
  │  root  │3.5 │
  │ avahi  │0.0 │
  │ daemon │0.0 │
  │message+│0.0 │
  │ nobody │0.0 │
  │  ntp   │0.0 │
  │ rtkit  │0.0 │
  │ syslog │0.0 │
  │ uuidd  │0.0 │
  │whoopsie│0.0 │
Link: https://github.com/dbohdan/sqawk
Sqawk [1] is an Awk-like program that uses SQL and can combine data from multiple files. It is powered by SQLite.

[1] https://github.com/dbohdan/sqawk

Similar idea, but uses sqlite to make an awk like utility with sql syntax: https://github.com/dbohdan/sqawk

It parses DSV data like Awk does, runs SQL queries against it and formats the output in one of several ways. An example I am particularly fond of is using this tool as a poor man's libxo (https://github.com/Juniper/libxo):

  $ ps | sqawk -output json,indent=1 'select PID,TTY,TIME,CMD from a' trim=left header=1
      "PID"  : "3947",
      "TTY"  : "pts/2",
      "TIME" : "00:00:07",
      "CMD"  : "zsh"
      "PID"  : "15951",
      "TTY"  : "pts/2",
      "TIME" : "00:00:00",
      "CMD"  : "ps"
      "PID"  : "15952",
      "TTY"  : "pts/2",
      "TIME" : "00:00:00",
      "CMD"  : "tclkit-8.6.3-mk"

I started a list of command line tools for querying, processing and converting structured text data: https://github.com/dbohdan/structured-text-tools.
There is a lot of tools of this kind [1] but nearly all of them work with CSV or other delimiter-separated data. What made recutils stand out for me is that it has tools to modify files in place, not just select data from them, and its file format is different.

The rec format is interesting because it is a specification for what others have used before without one. It seems quite readable and does not suffer from the ",,,,,," problem of CSV.

[1] Here's the list of ones I have run into so far:

* https://github.com/harelba/q

* https://github.com/tobimensch/termsql

* https://github.com/samuel/squawk

* https://github.com/tjunier/sqawk

I've also written one: https://github.com/dbohdan/sqawk. It turned out I wasn't the only one to come up with the name.

I'm working on static site generator written in Tcl that is nearing its 1.0 release. It aims to be featureful but self-contained and have reasonable defaults to allow you to quickly start working on a new website. You can find it at https://github.com/tclssg/tclssg.

I've also written an Awk-like tool in Tcl that speaks SQL and has table joins - https://github.com/dbohdan/sqawk.