What does HackerNews think of dbeaver?

Free universal database tool and SQL client

Language: Java

#48 in Database
#33 in Java
#21 in MySQL
#4 in MongoDB
#50 in PostgreSQL
#44 in SQL
It's still around, I believe quite a lot of specialist software is built on top of Eclipse. But, I think when Android Studio went from Eclipse to IntelliJ, it lost its last real big use case. The wiki page lists a few tools, the most known one to me is DBeaver (https://github.com/dbeaver/dbeaver)
Bigger screenshots, even one very large one, can be seen from the links on the Github page: https://github.com/dbeaver/dbeaver
Serge Rider - DBeaver - the best open source multi database accesa tool. https://github.com/dbeaver/dbeaver . Daily commits, almost a one man show!