What does HackerNews think of Sweep?

Sweep - a small promicro based keyboard inspired by the Ferris.

I use ergonomic low-profile split keyboard Sweep[1]. My endgame (I hope so) keyboard after a long journey through the ergomechboard rabbit hole. If you're interesting in improving keyboard ergonomics with really custom solutions, r/ErgoMechBoards's Wiki [2] is a good place to start.

[1]: https://github.com/davidphilipbarr/Sweep

[2]: https://www.reddit.com/r/ErgoMechKeyboards/wiki/resources

I don't know of many off the shelf keyboards that satisfy all your requirements, but if your willing to tinker a bit, you can probably make one https://github.com/davidphilipbarr/Sweep
The keyboard rabbit-hole gets pretty deep. I started off wanting a nicer typing experience, and ended up realising so much about the traditional keyboard designs didn't make sense to me (here's someone nicely summing up the reasons why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrska7UU7BE).

For me the optimum is a split 34-key keyboard (the open-source Ferris Sweep https://github.com/davidphilipbarr/Sweep) with a custom keymap firmware (QMK).

Going even deeper, you can generate a PCB layout that's personalised to the shape of your hands: https://github.com/ergogen/ergogen

I've been skirting this rabbit hole for a good while now, since even though I do electronics building my own keyboard seems excessive and I do like (and prefer) laptop keyboards.

I am, however, quite interested in low-profile, split Bluetooth keyboards with minimal layouts (like the Ferris - https://github.com/pierrechevalier83/ferris and the Sweep - https://github.com/davidphilipbarr/Sweep), and keep hoping someone manufactures one and slims it down to Apple specs...