What does HackerNews think of dat.gui?

Lightweight controller library for JavaScript.

Language: JavaScript

I can never get watched variables to work. The scoping and updating rules for it are a mystery to me. I assume only global variables can be watched, but even then it never works as I expect, so I end up just flooding the log with values when testing.

I've thought for years the console should add Data.gui [1] style UI for viewing/testing variable and settings values. You can see it action on this CodePen [2].

1. https://github.com/dataarts/dat.gui

2. https://codepen.io/russellbeattie/full/kGxaqM

Fun and simple, nice. I'd love to see the raw values presented using something like dat.gui, as well as basic play/pause/step controls.


You can see how it's used in this codepen:



I've been very impressed by talented coding artists on sites like codepen and codesandbox and wanted share creative possibilities their generative artworks provide with people who don't know how modify variables in the code.

A bit later I discovered a similar project (https://github.com/dataarts/dat.gui) originating from chrome experiments but it was too late as at that point I was introducing new features on top of it: integration with googles fonts, palettes, inserted images so that it can be used for creating social media banners.

It should work if WebGL 2 is supported, though possibly there could be missing extension issues. I haven't tried it on Android, will try to do so.

I'm not sure it will be usable anyway on a mobile device (https://github.com/dataarts/dat.gui is not very mobile friendly, and it requires too much fine control for fingers I think).