What does HackerNews think of overmind?

Process manager for Procfile-based applications and tmux

Language: Go

I recently wrote about Overmind (https://github.com/DarthSim/overmind), a drop in replacement for foreman.

If you've ever used Foreman or another local Procfile/process manager, I think you'll love Overmind.

It's basically a more customisable foreman that runs in tmux - which means you can do cool things like tmux into a process and attach a debugger (which is nearly impossible with foreman).

Hope you enjoy the article!

I run an app with a bunch of separate processes managed in a Procfile invoked by Overmind (https://github.com/DarthSim/overmind):


app-web: cd app && poetry run invoke server

app-vite: cd app && pnpm dev

app-storybook: cd app && pnpm story:dev

api: cd api && poetry run invoke server

docs: cd docs && npm run dev

marketing: cd marketing && source .env && npm run dev


Maybe it's my getting older, but I've found it _infuriating_ to remember which process is bound to 3003 vs 3002 vs 3001 and so on. Very grateful for this project so I can save myself a couple seconds of frustration every day — t/y OP for building it!

FYI: Your link for Overmind is to the wrong project. The process manager is https://github.com/DarthSim/overmind

The article currently links to a deprecated Angular.js project with the same name (https://github.com/geddski/overmind)

Looks pretty cool! I've recently become a fan of Overmind (https://github.com/DarthSim/overmind), which does something similar. I like the GUI of exo, though, so I may give it a shot sometime as well.
I am currently using the following combination:

- https://github.com/DarthSim/overmind for running whatever is needed inside a project which has multiple things (like rails and webpacker). It is great because it uses tmux.

- A custom file (.dev-start) I put in my parent folder /project which describes what to execute in child folders (like /project/fe and /project/backend). Possible what this files does could be done with overmind but this is a setup I had before discovering overmind

- A bashrc script (a combination of bash script and bash aliases) which is executed on “cd” command and searches for .dev-start and if exists will execute. In the same script I also search for .browser-wip which is just a simple file with all the URLs I think I need to be open in browser while working on current project. If this file exists then it will open in default browser all links from there.