What does HackerNews think of rss-to-activitypub?

An RSS to ActivityPub converter.

Language: JavaScript

These tools exist at least between activity pub and RSS. I suspect similar will exist for bluesky if it takes off. https://github.com/dariusk/rss-to-activitypub
For reference, here are two similar projects: - one by Darius Kazemi, the creator of Hometown, a fork of Mastodon with a focus on local community: https://github.com/dariusk/rss-to-activitypub - my very own, assuming one is comfortable with setting up their own not account: https://sr.ht/~rakoo/rss2ap/

Darius has a very interesting reasoning on why the service isn't available to everyone: it is too easy to spam, overload and in general do harm on upstream websites. I tend to agree with him, and I'm not sure this project has elements to convince me otherwise. But if I'm wrong, all the better !

Darius Kazemi, the creator of Hometown, made an AP server where you can register a feed and it turns into an actor (ie an account): https://github.com/dariusk/rss-to-activitypub

I made my own thing, fetching an RSS feed and posting entries to an existing account. It makes the code much simpler, but is not practical if you have lots of feeds (you need yo create all accounts separately): https://sr.ht/~rakoo/rss2ap/

I built this: https://sr.ht/~rakoo/rss2ap/. It posts RSS entries to a given account, and that account can now be subscribed to, entries can be commented, etc... It works well for one or two feeds but can get tedious if you want to follow many feeds and not spend too much time on that.

There is also https://github.com/dariusk/rss-to-activitypub. It requires a bit more work to maintain, but the creation and management of feeds is way more straightforward.

> so you could presumably navigate to the relevant page for the share/comment/like functionality. I realize that's not ideal but it seems well within reason to me.

Oh yeah, I could. I guess I'm just believing more and more in the power of a familiar interface. I feel somewhat comfortable hopping around different sites and creating all sorts of accounts (on my computer, less so on my phone), yet I imagine many really don't want that hassle. If the comment box were the same everywhere, that could help, but still, I find sometimes if it takes that extra effort, I often won't do it.

> Software exists to translate RSS feeds to ActivityPub actors (ex https://github.com/dariusk/rss-to-activitypub). Going the other direction, Pleroma provides RSS feeds.

I may check it out for some of my sites, thank you.