What does HackerNews think of wasp-os?

A MicroPython based development environment for smart watches (including Pine64 PineTime)

Language: Python

Try wasp-os https://github.com/daniel-thompson/wasp-os

I have a colmi P8 and it was easy to get wasp-os uploaded and now have micropython available with direct connection into the watch!

Battery life is really only 24-48hrs if you don’t do anything heavy.

Sometimes I wonder how more useful it is than my apple watch.

You might also be interested in https://github.com/daniel-thompson/wasp-os which runs on nRF52-based hardware (there may be eInk-based variants as well)
If you're unable to ship PineTime to your country and if you're looking for a watch to tinker with checkout wasp-os[1] project which runs micropython on some easily available NRF52832 devices.

Also Aaron's ATCWatch[2] which runs Arduino compatbile firmware on the aforementioned devices and more; His Daflasher app has made it possible to flash firmware to to NRF52832 devices without any HW tinkering.

[1] https://github.com/daniel-thompson/wasp-os

[2] https://github.com/atc1441/ATCwatch

Per the wiki it has a default OS (InfiniTime). However currently the MicroPython based Wasp-OS seems to have more features.

[1] https://wiki.pine64.org/wiki/InfiniTime

[2] https://github.com/daniel-thompson/wasp-os

I highly recommend the compatible Colmi P8 smartwatch with waspos https://github.com/daniel-thompson/wasp-os which enables you to write micropython with access to all device features. You can overwrite the stock firmware using bluetooth without having to open and solder wires.
In the early days, yes. Now, not so much:


.. there are so many interesting projects to run on the PineWatch, I just bought a couple extra so that I could evaluate them all at once. Its not an expensive investment - I've certainly spent more on the rPi lab-bench over the years:


(MicroPython based environment)


(Rust-based environment)


(C/C++ based environment)