What does HackerNews think of EdgeDeflector?

A tiny helper application to force Windows 10 to use your preferred web browser instead of ignoring the setting to promote Microsoft Edge. Only runs for a microsecond when needed.

Language: NSIS

#7 in Windows
There's also the dark bit where changing your default browser in Windows doesn't apply globally.

That is, some UI widgets will still open Edge even if you change the default.

There used to be an awesome open source project called EdgeDeflector that would fix that. Microsoft got wise to it and found a way to neutralize it, which killed the project. https://github.com/da2x/EdgeDeflector

You can make those Edge-only URL (using the "microsoft-edge:" protocol/URI handler) to open in your default browser using EdgeDeflector


Somewhat related, also see "EdgeDeflector": https://github.com/da2x/EdgeDeflector

It's a really handy utility to force windows to actually use your default browser in spaces where it currently forces Edge. You've probably seen this opening links from other Microsoft products where Edge unexpectedly pops up. Like from MS widgets on your toolbar, some links within MS Teams, etc.

> Microsoft products ignore the default browser bit and open links in Edge

Try something like EdgeDeflector (https://github.com/da2x/EdgeDeflector) for redirecting those links to your default browser.