What does HackerNews think of cursorless?

Don't let the cursor slow you down

Language: TypeScript

Yes, jesus.

I am forced to use VSCode because some disability plugin[1] I use only (for now!) exists for it, but having to switch to it over SublimeText + Vim was annoying. If you don't need to use it definitely try either of those options

[1] https://github.com/cursorless-dev/cursorless

It's worth mentioning Talon[0] here, which is a system for offline voice control as well, with great python-based scripting (and also supports eye tracking, though I haven't used it myself).

Using your computer or programming with it works like a charm, with some interesting and impressive projects based on it coming out as well, like Cursorless[1].

There's a great strangeloop talk[2] demonstrating talon and the actual state of voice coding, which is how I discovered it (hint: it's much better than you'd expect, and straightforward to learn at that).

[0]: https://talonvoice.com/

[1]: https://github.com/cursorless-dev/cursorless

[2]: https://youtu.be/YKuRkGkf5HU

Disclaimer: not affiliated, just a happy occasional user

Input is a problem. Can’t imagine using mobile keyboard for anything more complex than texting. Curious whether Replit will integrate with voice coding solutions one day (like https://github.com/cursorless-dev/cursorless).
The thing I don’t like about EasyMotion like plug-ins is that they require you to react to information which only appears on screen after you start to jump. With Leap it looks like it amortizes the cost of reacting by giving you the information you need one keystroke before you need to use it. I’m still not a fan of having to react though.

My ideal motion plugin would be Cursorless[0], except using the keyboard instead of voice commands. With Cursorless the markers you need to jump to are always visible, so there’s no need to react. Instead of jumping to characters you jump to tokens, so we do not need makers over every character (just above each token).

[0] https://github.com/cursorless-dev/cursorless