What does HackerNews think of ctrlp.vim?
Active fork of kien/ctrlp.vim—Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
Vim script
I use ctrlp.vim in vanilla vim with fzf.
For any Windows devs that happen to use vim inside of mintty (that comes with downloading git), you'll discover that installing fzf doesn't work out so well. It'd be fine on cygwin, surely. In mintty, though, it'll yell about missing ncurses and then offer to install the legacy Ruby version, which also fails for curses related reasons.
So, that said, check out ctrl-p.
It's a nice quick way to see a filelist that you can filter, like fzf. You can filter on:
* the whole project, excluding .gitignore stuff
* all open buffers
* Most Recently Used (MRU) file list
In addition to the built in ^p binding, I also add:
nnoremap v :CtrlPMRUFiles
nnoremap b :CtrlPBuffer