What does HackerNews think of strictyaml?

Type-safe YAML parser and validator.

Language: Python

#61 in Python
#6 in Python
It's readable, it just desperately needs type safety: https://github.com/crdoconnor/strictyaml

When I read "gbq enabled: yes" I don't worry about whether it's a string or a boolean when reading it, I worry about whether it's a string or a boolean when I want to change it and it gets parsed again.

That's not really a problem with YAML it's an abuse of YAML. Accidental turing completeness is a problem all over, too. I remember using Ant 15 years ago - built in XML. It was the same problem and that wasn't XML's

I think a lack of type safety is the main problem with YAML - a wrong indentation, a typo in a key, a string that gets parsed as a boolean, etc.

Other than that I think it's a great format - terse and far less syntactic noise than other formats. This is why I wrote https://github.com/crdoconnor/strictyaml so people could write type safe yaml and get instantaneous, clear error messages on those things.

NestedText already is the way I use YAML; everything is intepreted as a string. I have some trust in my YAML parser to not mangle most strings. I could use NestedText, but users would be unfamiliar with it, and IIRC the only parsers are in Python. But then I could use StrictYaml too https://github.com/crdoconnor/strictyaml
There's StrictYAML[1][2]. Can't say I've used it as let's face it, most projects bind themselves to a config language - whether that be YAML, JSON, HCL or whatever - but I'd like to.

[1] https://hitchdev.com/strictyaml/

[2] https://github.com/crdoconnor/strictyaml

I like the approach of strictyaml. A parser that concentrates on a restricted subset of yaml and allows to use a schema to have a type safe validator.


I do think some of the more "advanced" features are definitely a mistake. StrictYAML (https://github.com/crdoconnor/strictyaml) is a limited, much saner subset of YAML that I wish people would use more: https://hitchdev.com/strictyaml/features-removed/

No coercion of y/n/yes/no/on/off to booleans (these were also removed in the official YAML 1.2 spec, thankfully), no direct object representations, no anchors or references, etc.