What does HackerNews think of nvpy?

Simplenote syncing note-taking application, inspired by Notational Velocity and ResophNotes, but uglier and cross-platformerer.

Language: Python

One notable mention should also be nvPY: https://github.com/cpbotha/nvpy
I love Notational Velocity, but didn't know that it supports external editors!

For linux users, there is nvPy: https://github.com/cpbotha/nvpy It's a pretty ugly skin, but it works.

Sounds like this writer is talking about two different things:

1. dragging/pasting ideas from an idea section directly into a writing program. This is where s/he's sitting comfortably somewhere actually working.

2. Scribbling ideas "on the fly" - which can happen anywhere (on the bus, walking down the street, etc..)

For the second, I like simplenote[0] and their tagging feature. Lots of support for various OSes. On 32-bit LinuxMint, I'm using nvPY[1] since simplenote doesn't have a 32-bit deb.

In order to solve both problems, the writing program could support something like simplenote via plugin. This way s/he gets their left-hand, drag/paste panel.

Note: also like https://standardnotes.org/ but could not get it to run on my older phone, no 32-bit linux support.

[0] https://simplenote.com/

[1] https://github.com/cpbotha/nvpy

Different tools depending on the context

* Emacs Orgmode

* nvPy (https://github.com/cpbotha/nvpy)

* Asciidoctor files

* Gnumeric

I was introduced to simplenote via nvpy[1]. Found nvpy looking for a Notational Velocity clone for Linux.

I use native clients for simplenote on Mac and Android. It's pretty good.

[1] https://github.com/cpbotha/nvpy

Obsessive note-taking lab-journalling knowledge organizer here.

* For years simplenote, first using RespohNotes under Wine, then writing https://github.com/cpbotha/nvpy - a cross-platform and open source simplenote client in Python with tikinter. Currently looking for a new maintainer, because:

* Currently in an in-between phase editing Gollum wiki markdown pages with emacs 24 (sometimes I also use gollum to access and edit), all synced with unison, and using Google Keep on my phone.

* Currently working on hobby project, which will be the non-linear super visual (spatial perception and memory FTW!) cross-platform (large displays!!) note- and file-organizing interface I've been dreaming about for months now.

Here's a cross-platform opensource clone: https://github.com/cpbotha/nvpy
nvPY is my ugly but cross-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac) and open-source (new BSD) simplenote-syncing keyboard-friendly realtime-searching note-taking tool! https://github.com/cpbotha/nvpy