What does HackerNews think of cookiecutter-django?
Cookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly.
djangox definitely looks a bit less opinionated and lighter weight than what I normally use for a starter project, which is cookiecutter-django: https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter-django
It seems to include most everything that djangox does, and a little bit more, and with cookiecutter's setup process, you can strip out much of what you don't want/need.
I use django-cookiecutter [0] for most of my projects as it sets up a myriad of things, saving an incredible amount of time if you need your app to be production ready quick. May be better suited for those experienced with django though.
Try creating a Django project using the Cookie Cutter Django:
Select yes when asked if you want "custom_bootstrap_compilation"
That will configure a gulp task runner that is capable of manage your javascript dependencies, bundle your CSS/JS, and minify your HTML, CSS, JS and images. You will still need to install npm etc. as described here. You will also need to become familiar with how to install and update Node packages. https://cookiecutter-django.readthedocs.io/en/latest/develop...