What does HackerNews think of base16?

Not a theme, but a framework

#3 in Framework
I agree, my first impression was confusion over why they are making such a big deal out of a simple color palette.

I could be wrong, but it looks like they modified a website template which was originally meant for advertising a service or product, which could explain why it feels a bit strange and overwrought.

Also, I feel like [Base16](https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) is a better approach to the problem, by providing a framework rather than a single palette.

Regarding Discord, considering that everybody and their grandmother has a discord these days, I suppose having one for a color theme is not so surprising. There used to be IRC channels for everything, after all. It's a shame that Discord has gained so much traction, being a proprietary walled garden. That's a topic for another day, though.

edit: also just realized, if my theory about them using a template is correct, the "Join the growing X community" page with discord/slack widgets is probably also just part of that template.

I use Base16 to apply Dracula across my terminal applications.


There are a bunch of tools that generate color schemes for other tools based on a template of their configs. For example pywal is a popular one: https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal But pretty much every major scripting language like JS, ruby, etc. has their own take on the same idea.

Base16 is another popular one with a ton of implementations: https://github.com/chriskempson/base16

https://github.com/chriskempson/base16 has a lot of schemes for quite a few apps. There are guides to how to port the colors to other apps.
I think both of you are talking about the same thing.

Please don't assume that your views are generally held or will meet with general approval. I think what you're saying is completely wrong and wildly inappropriate. In general, there will exist many terminal applications where the designers should feel absolutely free to use 256 and full-RGB colors if they wish to, seeing as the technology has supported it for years.

An example is color themes for syntax highlighting; the designers of color themes obviously _can_ restrict themselves to 16-color palettes (e.g. https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) but they are perfectly free not to. I do not understand what makes you think you have the right to demand that people impose such a vast restriction on terminal applications. The web supports 256 colors and full RGB; why shouldn't terminal applications?

Baobab: Disk usage Analyzer https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Baobab

Atril: Pdf Viewer, forked from Evince from the Gnome 2 days IIRC.

Base 16 Colors: https://github.com/chriskempson/base16

Unetbootin/TuxBoot: Creating bootable drives.

gnome-do: Alfred/Spotlight (MacOS) like quicklauncher. Used to use this but now I've just defaulted to using Alt+F2 (remapped to Super + Space keys) to launch apps. https://do.cooperteam.net

Zim : "A desktop wiki" https://zim-wiki.org

Nice work!

From my classification this seems similar to base16 https://github.com/chriskempson/base16

Is this correct and would you like to clarify the benefits of using themer instead of base16? Have you considered intercompatibility by i.e. allow conversion from and to base16 themes?

I just use Base16 ( https://github.com/chriskempson/base16 ), so I have the same colorscheme in all relevant apps. It can emulate almost all of the popular schemes, plus has a lot of others.
Base16 is probably what you want: https://github.com/chriskempson/base16

There is a related project called Base16-Builder: https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-builder

With Base16-Builder you can make a Yaml file of colours and it will build profiles for a zillion apps. It's pretty easy to hack to build other profiles as you just need to make an erb.

Base16 is organized in pretty much the same way as Solarized colours, so if you have gotten used to Solarized and just want to adjust the colours to something easier to see (I suffer from the same problem you do), then I think it is the way to go.

I hesitate to mention this because it isn't quite ready yet, but where I work we do a lot of remote pair programming over tmux. The problem is that everybody has their own idea of what colours look good. My buddy and I made a vim colorscheme that looks reasonable with many different palettes, called agnostic: https://github.com/ygt-mikekchar/agnostic

So if you ever need to pair program over tmux and one person wants a light background, but another person wants a dark backgroun, you can do it it. If you do that kind of thing a lot, then I recommend working with agnostic. Otherwise I think Base16 is probably the way to go.

I wish there was a base16 (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) theme that fully skinned sublime like this does.
Will certainly keep trying. I would say there is no right option and at the same time all options are right.

There does seem something common about themes that appeal to many people but ultimately each has their own correct version of how things should be. Hence my next project https://github.com/chriskempson/base16 Interesting idea by the way!