What does HackerNews think of apko?

Build OCI images using APK directly without Dockerfile

Language: Go

#44 in Docker
We have built something very similar to what you are describing: https://github.com/chainguard-dev/apko
Depends exactly what you're trying to create it for. I advocate for doing it during the build process rather than as a step after.

We open sourced a few tools that do it automatically for containers:



apko is close to that, it's a tool to build fully reproducible Alpine Linux containers from a declarative YAML description: https://github.com/chainguard-dev/apko
This is a timely post! We're actually working on merging Distroless with Alpine for the best of both worlds. You can check out some of the progress in Apko and the new Distroless GitHub org.

https://github.com/chainguard-dev/apko http://github.com/distroless

Blog post: https://blog.chainguard.dev/introducing-apko-bringing-distro...

Disclosure: I helped start the Distroless project years ago and now work at Chainguard.

Thanks for the update. Last I tried podman-compose was probably a year ago and it was clearly not ready.

So according to your update it's still not ready. Podman-compose is just a shell wrapper that translates compose yaml into podman shell commands. Which is why it will never really work imo because it's a hack.

We really need some OCI way of declaring containers. Recently apko[1] was announced but it's for apk systems so I'm not sure how it helps me on Fedora.

I think the idea was that you should be able to use the Kubernetes format spec to specify podman Pods. But I have yet to see that work. Until then podman is just something I use locally, but I still need docker to help my devs. There is no way I can force podman on them.

1. https://github.com/chainguard-dev/apko