What does HackerNews think of vosk-browser?
A speech recognition library running in the browser thanks to a WebAssembly build of Vosk
'm using vosk browser: https://github.com/ccoreilly/vosk-browser
To do speech to text locally and it works very well for English.
You can also try kaldi-wasm but it hasn't been worked on for a while https://gitlab.inria.fr/kaldi.web/kaldi-wasm
The GitHub repo for it is here: https://github.com/browsermt/bergamot-translator
The repo contains some details about how to run it in WASM which is quite interesting for embedding it in pages. I've been playing around with using WASM to capture speech to text (https://github.com/ccoreilly/vosk-browser) and automatically translating it using Bergamot.
Results have been, ok. I don't think the tech is quite there yet and the speech to text obviously struggles with multiple speakers.