What does HackerNews think of pistorm?

68k Hardware Emulator

Language: C

What fun! It's so good to see these systems still in use.

The Amiga community never fails to impress. In addition to modern updates to AmigaDOS (3.2.1 is great), there are projects to replace battery damaged motherboards, to replace hard-to-find custom chips, to offer brand new accelerators, and to even use a Raspberry Pi as an inexpensive accelerator (https://github.com/captain-amygdala/pistorm) for those on a budget.

2 years to get a PiStorm amiga accelerator at a decent price (https://github.com/captain-amygdala/pistorm) due to chip shortage.

Finally managed to get 3 PiStorm boards (for a more decent price than the scams off ebay), but I have only one Pi 3B, and the 3A+ or Zero 2 are nowhere to be found

Only option is to buy 3B/B+ which are a little more common, at 3x+ the price, and unsolder the usb connector.

Sure feels like back in the amiga days when I was waiting for the Emplant to emulate a PC and whatnot... or waiting for Gateway, Escom, etc... to do something useful...

Come to think of it, it's a perfect retro experience WITH post-1994 frustrations of waiting with constant hopes and failures as a bonus :)

This isn't a Raspberry Pi powered Amiga. (Which is a thing, see PiStorm: https://github.com/captain-amygdala/pistorm)

This is just a Raspberry Pi running an emulator. Any computer could do this.