What does HackerNews think of core?
Cloud9 Core - Part of the Cloud9 SDK for Plugin Development https://c9.github.io/core/ https://c9.io
I bet it's hella outdated and full of security issues now though.
I use the ssh-workspace feature and do my work in an EC2 instance. I've also been playing around with running a local c9 build (https://github.com/c9/core). Not sure that their license would make this viable for commercial work, but ofc there's no latency / connection requirement if you're running it locally.
Off-topic, you could even run c9 locally in a Chromebook if you were using Crouton -- and without having to install another desktop environment. I do most of my work on a desktop, but if I ever get together a mobile development environment this may be what I do.
Notable tech: Emmet (snippets, HTML autocomplete), Engine.IO (web-sockets), MsgPack (message serialization), RuSHA (browser-based SHA1), Tern (code analysis, AST etc), Acorn (JS code analysis, faster than Tern)
Using even the free c9 service, connecting to your own server via SSH, you can create a fantastic collaborative development environment.
Although I do most of my development locally, cloud IDEs are perfect for the remote pair-programming use-case - they're far better than screen-sharing.
git clone git://github.com/c9/core.git c9sdk
cd c9sdk