What does HackerNews think of erd?

Translates a plain text description of a relational database schema to a graphical entity-relationship diagram.

Language: Haskell

I like it and the comparison site on https://text-to-diagram.com

I just wanted to drop a reference to Burnt Sushi's ERD tool [0]. It only does one diagram type: Entity Relationship Diagram. It's wonderful. Human-first syntax, code comments, and some simple formatting settings like colors and font sizes that help make more complex diagram pleasing and informative.

[0] https://github.com/BurntSushi/erd

I'm working on a few projects.

Firstly, I've developed a suite of Python libraries to deal with NFL data, including play-by-play statistics and slicing game footage into its play-by-play components. A demo of my work is here: http://demo.nflfan.burntsushi.net/?week=5 (excuse the slowness, my web server is crappy)

Everything is on GitHub: https://github.com/BurntSushi/{nflgame,nfldb,nflvid,nflfan}

Secondly, I'm also working on a small utility to produce Entity-Relationship diagrams from a simple text description. Surprisingly, there were very few tools that could do this. It's written in Haskell. Current progress here: https://github.com/BurntSushi/erd

Thirdly, my PhD research involves finding proteins that are similar to other proteins. Most of the infrastructure is written in Go: https://github.com/TuftsBCB