What does HackerNews think of browsh?

A fully-modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers

Language: JavaScript

> If you are using a JS based browser, you don't deserve security in first place.

In some cases, that is true, but not all, and I suggest not even most. In many cases, I think people are just as culpable for being unwilling to use Whonix.

> If I had time I could set up a tutorial not to use SSH as a proxy, but as a client to a remote VPS/tilde to use the offpunk client there to browse web/gemini and gopher sites anonymously.

https://github.com/browsh-org/browsh can be pretty decent, too.

Aside, it's a shame that it's not common practice to provide resource gleanings in the form of such access to random others from one's VPS. An easily reproduced NixOS environment in VM with locked down containers proxying through a local tor instance(s) would scale up alright and significantly limit risks for the donor. I find very few people take up the offer to even use another's VPS though.

A full terminal web browser is a bit more than I was looking for, but this is definitely an option. Was thinking more something I could pipe text into to get an extraction and/or a simpler pager interface.

The browsh repo front page is just insanely impressive[0]. `links` is impossible to query the web for the project, so if you had more guidance on that one, it would be appreciated.

[0] https://github.com/browsh-org/browsh

Edit: Noted I was querying for something more feature anemic, plus Browsh link

TUIs are very pretty and very convenient. Unfortunately rendering to the Terminal is...slow. See https://github.com/browsh-org/browsh.

Honestly I wonder if there is a way to speed it up. Like a new terminal mode which lets you write or color a particular row/column directly, or utilizes the GPU to render to each pixel, or really anything better than literally printing text with fancy spacing, escapes, etc. on each refresh.

Until then, anything which is render-intensive you're much better using a GUI, even if it's just a shell script which opens a window while it's running.