What does HackerNews think of obsidian-smart-connections?

Chat with your notes in Obsidian! Plus, see what's most relevant in real-time! Interact and stay organized. Powered by OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-4 & Embeddings.

Language: JavaScript

For my personal notes, I use Smart Connections[1] with Obsidian. Since the notes are stored in plain markdown files, I am considering devising my own solution using LlamaIndex[2] in the near future.

For coding, I use Copilot[3]. While it's been great for writing boilerplate code, it falls short in every other regard. I also had the opportunity to try the new version of Copilot as well, but it feels like a glorified ChatGPT inside VSCode.

For everything else, I use a tiny tool I made[4] which enables me to invoke my own prompts in basically any application that allows me to select text.

[1] https://github.com/brianpetro/obsidian-smart-connections

[2] https://gpt-index.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/s...

[3] https://github.com/features/copilot

[4] https://github.com/overflowy/chat-key

I just search Obsidian plugins and there are 3 that might work for you:

- https://github.com/louis030195/obsidian-ava

- https://github.com/brianpetro/obsidian-smart-connections

- https://github.com/bramses/chatgpt-md

I haven't looked into any of them in depth, but searching through a large corpus of text and using that to interact with GPT3 or GPT4 has some pretty good solutions already.

As of 2022, https://get.mem.ai/mem-x has one of the best AI for Notes integrations. I'm sure 2023 will be fruitful. I'm already seeing some Obsidian/Local experiments.

> making connections between notes > related notes in it's context.

Mem -> similar mems

Obsidian -> https://github.com/brianpetro/obsidian-smart-connections | https://github.com/deepfates/silicon

> asking questions/searching

Mem -> search is NLP/AI by default

Markdown -> https://github.com/debanjum/khoj

Obsidian -> https://twitter.com/Sarah_A_Bentley/status/16110695760993362...

> new (summary) notes based on (many) old notes

There are a lot of summarizers on the web. They work great on whole articles. The problem is, how do you summarize hundreds (and more) of independent/related smaller notes ?