What does HackerNews think of bottlerocket?
An operating system designed for hosting containers
I haven't used any of them, but maybe B.r. works with podman?
Undoubtedly there are risks to having the flexibility that a full OS provides, but the benefits to troubleshooting, incident-response, resource-sharing, and just plain operational flexibility are huge. Until there's a good story for managing unikernel-based microVMs at scale, they aren't going to make a dent in container-world.
I suspect the path we'll actually see pursued is more along the lines of Bottlerocket (https://github.com/bottlerocket-os/bottlerocket), which is basically the Linux kernel plus a containerd API that works with Kubernetes but doesn't expose nearly as much surface area.
And here is a post from AWS with more technical details: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/bottlerocket-open-source-os...