What does HackerNews think of netevent?

Input-Event device cloning utility. Use it together with ssh/netcat/... to share input devices among different machines.

Language: C++

Awesome project. Lovely to see something like this come together so quickly!

The core architecture is to ssh in to the machine, and forward Linux /dev/input* events to a python app that re-emits websocket events.

This makes me think a little bit of netevent[1], which is a small utility for forwarding/cloning input events (by creating a virtual uhid device that re-creates an input stream), usually used with ssh to forward between machines. It would allow for the remarkable to act as just another generic input for a presentation laptop, for example. One might be able to then use Gromit-MPX[2] or DrawOnYourScreen to turn that forwarded input into on-screen drawing.

Todo: figure out if either of these apps can listen to a dedicated input device & ignore others, such that one can present as usual, but draw atop with the tablet.

[1] https://github.com/Blub/netevent

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27263037

No Wayland support[1] still. Interestingly there are "donations" being accepted & some kind of a bounty for this issue. I don't know if anyone can deem the bounty, but it looks like it might be for $2500! Wow. When this issue was opened almost 3 years ago, I think support would have been much harder, but there are wayland protocols like wlroots's wlr-virtual-pointer-unstable-v1[2] now to regularize/normalize this sort of thing.

In general, there are just so so so many open issues & pull requests open. It's great software but wow, there's so many different environment's it needs to work across, & trying to maintain this project seems like a nightmare.

Not cross platform afaik but I really dig the netevent[2] project linked in this thread, which is a lower-level network input forwarder.

Last but not least, Barrier was discussed on HN with 14-comments a year ago[4].

[1] https://github.com/debauchee/barrier/issues/109

[2] https://github.com/swaywm/wlr-protocols/blob/master/unstable...

[3] https://github.com/Blub/netevent

[4] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23281870

Glad to hear that you like it!

For (integrated) mouse support you could take a look at a project from a good friend and colleague: https://github.com/Blub/netevent

Allows passing along arbitrary input events over the network and more.

That's been my experience also. It's kind of surprising given that I was able to replicate 90% of the functionality (that I normally use) for a Raspberry Pi project using only netevent[1] and netcat. Obviously cross-platform and international support (+ handling edge cases) would complicate things, but even in the most basic scenarios, Synergy has been terribly unreliable for me lately.

[1] https://github.com/Blub/netevent