What does HackerNews think of git-fuzzy?

interactive `git` with the help of `fzf`

Language: Shell

I'm slightly embarrassed that in terms of building personally relevant things, my proudest (digital) work is always shell scripts I use daily. Most of my personal projects are non-technical meat-space things like building with wood and the like. Here's some that I've open-sourced:

- A git interface using fzf that works pretty nicely and is very composable. https://github.com/bigH/git-fuzzy

- An interactive evaluator, perfect for interactive `sed`, `grep`, `jq`, etc. If properly configured, it'll keep history per command or using whatever key you give it. I find myself using it often with `jq`. https://github.com/bigH/interactively

There are many other shell functions/scripts that are interesting from my `dotfiles`. Particularly interesting snippets for anyone who wants them:

- A recursize `which` that follows symlinks and stops at a real file. https://github.com/bigH/dotfiles/blob/3d48792b4e910d2fc82504...

- A `watch` alternative that runs in the current shell. https://github.com/bigH/dotfiles/blob/3d48792b4e910d2fc82504...

Shameless plug for my fzf-integrated git tooling:


fzf has a preview pane option. Typical OOTB usage is to use this to cat the output of the currently hovered item in your list. But fzf can fuzzy-find on any list, not just file lists, and use the preview pane to display anything based on your selected inputs. One very nice demonstration of this is [git-fuzzy](https://github.com/bigH/git-fuzzy)

The hardest part about leveraging the power of fzf is getting input into your --preview argument in the middle of some piped process. But that's also where it's true power becomes fully evident.

awk users have long had similar powers. And indeed you might find awk useful for reorganizing record separators in a pipe to fzf. But fzf is brilliant because it "just works" for 90% of cases.

I think we're probably going to see people sharing some pretty incredible workflows with fzf in the next few years. Something about being able to stick it in the middle of a Unix pipe just makes it really really special; it's compose-able!