What does HackerNews think of macpine?

Lightweight Linux VMs on MacOS

Language: Go

#76 in Go
#111 in Linux
#83 in macOS
I recommend having a look at Macpine [1] which allows you to run lightweight alpine VMs on MacOS with easy port forwarding, file sharing; you can also easily run docker inside of it and use docker context to target it.

[1] https://github.com/beringresearch/macpine

This is part of the bigger Macpine project, which to me is much more interesting than LXD: https://github.com/beringresearch/macpine

""" The goal of this project is to enable MacOS users to:

Easily spin up and manage lightweight Alpine Linux environments. Use tiny VMs to take advantage of containerisation technologies, including LXD and Docker. Build and test software on x86_64 and aarch64 systems """

It's possible to use Apple's virtualisation framework when running native arch VMs in QEMU, for example setting -accel to hfv, seen here: https://github.com/beringresearch/macpine

UTM should also support this.