What does HackerNews think of HelloSilicon?

An introduction to ARM64 assembly on Apple Silicon Macs

Language: Assembly

#25 in iOS
#83 in macOS
Related - M1 ARM assembly examples by Alex von Below: https://github.com/below/HelloSilicon
I believe the first attempts at doing something like this were back in July of 2020. https://github.com/below/HelloSilicon : Someone with an early Developer Transition Kit (pre-M1 release) worked to convert the code from "Programming with 64-Bit ARM Assembly Language" to the M1's syntax.

Porting additional textbooks to M1's (ARMv8) syntax could help a lot in terms of making assembly accessible to more people. I believe there's a lot of value in learning it on a particularly popular real-world platform like x86 or M1 - where it may directly translate to reverse engineering userspace applications without having to then learn another assembler language as you might if you started with, say, RISC-V.

Truthfully I think someone should really add the M1 syntax to the new version of VisUAL: https://github.com/scc416/Visual2 . I've been intending to work on that to go along with porting Bob Plantz' "Introduction to Computer Organization: ARM Assembly Language Using the Raspberry Pi" to ARMv8 for the same educational purpose but haven't quite found the time to really dive in. A tool like VisUAL2 could help a lot of people learn this even if they don't own an M1 themselves.

Very tangentially to all of this, I'd like to showcase https://github.com/cornell-brg/pydgin , which is a flexible toolkit for simulating ISA's in Python, and was used to help validate the first version of VisUAL during its own development.