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A simple org-mode based journaling mode

Language: Emacs Lisp

For the last couple of years, I have been using a combination of Clocking commands [0] in Emacs along with org-journal. It has been working well enough for me. Although, I had to send some patches to org-journal initially to suit my workflow.

[0] https://orgmode.org/manual/Clocking-commands.html

[1] https://github.com/bastibe/org-journal

I use org-mode with org-journal https://github.com/bastibe/org-journal

What's nice about this workflow is when I create TODO items and don't finish them for a day it transfers over to the next day.

I use org-journal[0] in Emacs as a very efficient lab notebook. I use the Doom[1] configuration, so this is my workflow:

- launch Emacs

- type `Space n j j`, which opens a journal file customized the way I like it*, inserts a date heading and timestamp, and sets me in insert mode

- type my timestamped notes

I can do this from any buffer in Emacs, so it's really convenient to stop in the middle of something, jot down a note, and then go right back to what I was doing. I develop iOS/macOS software right now, so the switch to Emacs from Xcode is a little more friction than I used to have, but it's so useful I don't mind it at all.

* I have a weekly journal in a directory for the year, titled week number-month-day that started that week (this week's is `34_08-23`)

[0]https://github.com/bastibe/org-journal [1]https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs

I'm interested in using org-journal, a minor mode for Emacs org-mode, which supports collapsing. https://github.com/bastibe/org-journal

    * Tuesday, 06/04/13
    ** 10:28 Company meeting
    Endless discussions about projects. Not much progress

    ** 11:33 Work on org-journal
    For the longest time, I wanted to have a cool diary app on my
    computer. However, I simply lacked the right tool for that job. After
    many hours of searching, I finally found PersonalDiary on EmacsWiki.
    PersonalDiary is a very simple diary system based on the emacs
    calendar. It works pretty well, but I don't really like that it only
    uses unstructured text.
You might also find org-journal [fn:1] interesting, if you commonly take date-stamped notes.

[fn:1] https://github.com/bastibe/org-journal

I use org-mode, of course. But more specifically, I wrote this little extension called org-journal [1], which auto-creates one org-file per day, is searchable, integrates with the Emacs calendar, and crucially, carries TODO items from the previous day to the current day.

This way, all my research notes, and my diary, and completed projects stays in the journal, but pending or ongoing tasks travel with me through time until they are done.

[1]: https://github.com/bastibe/org-journal