What does HackerNews think of copilot-cli?

The AWS Copilot CLI is a tool for developers to build, release and operate production ready containerized applications on AWS App Runner or Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate.

Language: Go

#7 in Terraform
We are spending about 60% less. Workload has actually lessened since AWS is so much more stable. Getting to a similar DX as Heroku was quite the lift, but once it's done, it's done. These days we generally only have outages when we screw something up ourselves. I recommend https://github.com/aws/copilot-cli for starting out on ECS.
> I wish Fargate was easier to use and had a scale to 0 feature.

Fargate can be scaled to zero. Also, have you tried the CLI? [0]

[0]: https://github.com/aws/copilot-cli

This looks super useful!

For folks who are interested in deploying their containers on AWS without "boilerplate", we also have a tool called AWS Copilot which can help simplify setup and management of all the container infrastructure you need :D https://github.com/aws/copilot-cli

We are using Convox v2 too and are happy with it, but I'm hesitant to do the upgrade to introduce the complexity of kubernetes to our devs and if convox the right abstraction on top of kubernetes when there which is already a pile of abstractions in k8s itself (and so many other tools to choose from in the k8s universe).

https://github.com/aws/copilot-cli isn't ready for our use cases, but is more or less convox v2 built by AWS.