What does HackerNews think of zanzibar-annotated?
Google's Zanzibar paper annotated for folks outside of Google
Wow, I am also impressed by the tech behind! https://github.com/authzed/zanzibar-annotated
My team recently built NextJS-based site with sets of annotations on the research paper our project is based on (Google Zanzibar):
Could be easily forked and used for other purposes. Happy to facilitate if we get any requests in the GitHub issues.
Your notes immediately crystalized some of the concepts I was still fuzzy on before reading. Awesome!
https://github.com/authzed/zanzibar-annotated is very slick too!
Is there any way to attribute an annotation to a set of authors (sans git history)?
All custom but fully open source! Code can be found at https://github.com/authzed/zanzibar-annotated
Hey HN! I'm one of folks that helped launch this project.
You can go directly to the annotated paper here[0]. It's got all kinds of goodies like the ability to direct link from anywhere and generate OpenGraph previews (e.g. [1]).
Coolest of all, it's entirely open source[2] built on NextJS.