What does HackerNews think of austral?

Systems language with linear types and capability-based security.

Language: OCaml

#31 in Compiler
Aside but related: Borretti's Austral systems programming language looks interesting. Early stage. I just read the one example so far, but the syntax looks nice and clean to me.


The IO monad is sort of on the right track, but it’s far too coarse grained. Here are some efforts in the right direction:



Deno does something along these lines too. WASM does, too, if you squint hard at it.

There are several languages which use linear types, Rust being the most popular. For example, https://github.com/austral/austral claims to be simpler than Rust and was discussed on hackernews a few days ago.
I like Common Lisp but I no longer use it. I'm pretty much completely burned out on dynamic typing. It feels like building on sand. I want calmer programming, even if it's less powerful. At present I'm building a new language[0] with that goal in mind.

[0]: https://github.com/austral/austral

I have a lib component: https://github.com/austral/austral

I'm pretty sure it's all correctly configured. But when I run utop #require won't find the modules.

>Hell, I'd like it if a language could actually achieve linear types without holes or being completely unusable.

I'm working on this: https://github.com/austral/austral/

The idea is to start with a simple, easily understood linear type system and then add borrowing, but without going too far in the direction where the type checker becomes a tower of heuristics and conveniences so that programmers can write normal-seeming code which magically typechecks.

So you can learn how to write linear code from reading a set of linearity rules, rather than from trial-and-error against the linearity checker.