What does HackerNews think of pyautogui?
A cross-platform GUI automation Python module for human beings. Used to programmatically control the mouse & keyboard.
Not sure how exactly ad fraud works but why this WEI supposed to even prevent it? There are many tools that allow to control your mouse and keyboard programatically like pyautogui [0].
Will OS check if such python lib is installed or script running in the background? Then those that doing ad fraud will move to programmable board as BLE keyboard/mouse/hid. Even microbit can can be programmed as BLE HID device [1]. Add external camera on unattested device that will stare at attested device screen and you can automate lots of thing. Sure this is more complicated to pull off but will probably eventually happen anyway if this is a lucrative business.
In the end WEI wouldn't prevent ad fraud / fakes but would end up used for restricting other things.
That one is also cross-platform, if that’s useful to you.
Not really a tool, but Python is widely used for deep learning so, you can combine Pytorch, Tensorflow, [insert your DL framework here] with Pyautogui[1] to achieve exactly what you're asking. If you feel Pyautogui is too much "manual", I built a kind of frontend for it [2].
There's also PyAutoGUI: https://github.com/asweigart/pyautogui