What does HackerNews think of darwin-xnu?

The Darwin Kernel (mirror). This repository is a pure mirror and contributions are currently not accepted via pull-requests, please submit your contributions via https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/

Language: C

Apple has a bunch of stuff including Darwin up on GitHub.

https://github.com/apple/darwin-xnu -- I have no idea how current any of that is however.

> Update: fortunately there's still Mac OS.

Go download the source for Darwin.. https://github.com/apple/darwin-xnu

Compile it. Install it on your MacBook. Tell us how well MacOS boots that kernel.

You use unfree Linux too...for example google. What people seam to forget, under GPL you don't need to give your code back if your DON'T redistribute it.

And that's why google forbids the use of AGPL internally.

>You mean macOS?


Why dont you know that? If your a apple user and so interested in opensource?

macOS is a UNIX, but it's not Linux. It doesn't use X11 or Wayland, any more than Android does.

If you removed Quartz, there would be no GUI left.

If that's what you want, then there is Darwin out there.


There have been various efforts to make it run as a standalone OS with X11:

• Pure Darwin: http://www.puredarwin.org/

• Open Darwin: https://archiveos.org/opendarwin/

• Next BSD: https://github.com/NextBSD/NextBSD

But they aren't much use.

If you just want tiling windows, then I use Rectangle:


For me that replaced Spectacle when that was discontinued:


And the original basis for the NeXTStep -> OpenStep -> OS X -> iOS / MacOS line. Source for XNU, the current incarnation of Apple's microkernel is available as part of the Darwin stuff: https://github.com/apple/darwin-xnu
>Also, the source isn't available, so might not be what you're looking for.

It is available, and it's called darwin-xnu:


a mix of Mach and a FreeBSD kernel:


And a really good yt presentation:

24C3: Inside the Mac OS X Kernel
