What does HackerNews think of expr?

Expression language and expression evaluation for Go

Language: Go

#84 in Go
#76 in Go
Not diminishing the article at all, there's massive value I've gained from leveraging this runtime solution in multiple projects: https://github.com/antonmedv/expr

The language is easy enough for people to pick-up.

My head is already coming up with use-cases, such as JS template literals (think lit [0] for HTML and CSS templates) or the recently-shared Expr [1]. This is really neat. Thanks for sharing.

[0] https://lit.dev/

[1] https://github.com/antonmedv/expr

Have you had a look at Expr? https://github.com/antonmedv/expr

We are using it for ETL processing and are very happy with it. The performance is excellent and it is easily extendable.