What does HackerNews think of dexter?

The automatic indexer for Postgres

Language: Ruby

Cool details. Makes sense, since a database has to have index creation anyway, and if you're avoiding merge joins for code complexity reasons, why not use it to optimize.

An interesting project to manage indexes on postgres that seems tangentially related:


There's a lot of good ecosystem stuff around this, though I personally can't use most of it as the HypoPG extension isn't on AWS RDS. :(


HypoPG is a PostgreSQL extension adding support for hypothetical indexes.

An hypothetical -- or virtual -- index is an index that doesn't really exists, and thus doesn't cost CPU, disk or any resource to create. They're useful to know if specific indexes can increase performance for problematic queries, since you can know if PostgreSQL will use these indexes or not without having to spend resources to create them.

With one approach to actually implementing it here: https://www.percona.com/blog/2019/07/22/automatic-index-reco...

https://github.com/ankane/dexter is an autoindexer project that builds on hypopg, and I believe it can be configured to autocreate indices — it will only suggest them by default.

I was recently looking into this exact topic and found Dexter[1], which also uses HypoPG.

[1] https://github.com/ankane/dexter

> DTA uses a cost-base search, which means it needs to estimate the costs using some indexes it hasn’t actually built yet. The “what-if” API is used to simulate such hypothetical indexes.

Reminds me of https://github.com/ankane/dexter with https://github.com/HypoPG/hypopg.

It only handles indexes, so it's just a start, but have you seen HypoPG[0] and Dexter[1]?

0. https://github.com/dalibo/hypopg

1. https://github.com/ankane/dexter